星期日, 6月 07, 2015

劍橋意識宣言:動物有情(更新) _ 主場報道 _ 主場新聞


2012-10-7 18:24:08

Now that scientists have belatedly declared that mammals, birds and many other animals are conscious, it is time for society to act.
—Marc Bekoff, emeritus professor, University of Colorado, Boulder.

2012年7月7日,在Stephen Hawking及《CBS 60 Minutes》見證下,一群傑出學者在劍橋大學簽署及《劍橋意識宣言》,宣佈科學界已達致共識,確認包括人類遠親的動物亦有情感體驗,及有產生意識的腦部基礎物質。即是說,人類的意識並非得天獨厚。

短片:《劍橋意識宣言》由三個科學家 (David Edelman of the Neurosciences Institute in La Jolla, California, Philip Low of Stanford University and Christof Koch of the California Institute of Technology) 宣讀


The absence of a neocortex does not appear to preclude an organism from experiencing affective states. Convergent evidence indicates that non-human animals have the neuroanatomical, neurochemical, and neurophysiological substrates of conscious states along with the capacity to exhibit intentional behaviors. Consequently, the weight of evidence indicates that humans are not unique in possessing the neurological substrates that generate consciousness. Nonhuman animals, including all mammals and birds, and many other creatures, including octopuses, also possess these neurological substrates.
  • 對昆蟲和章魚等生物的研究顯示,「構成情緒反應的神經基礎物質並不局限於大腦皮層內。」早已和人類在演化過程分家的動物,即使腦結構完全不同,亦可以體驗「喜好和厭惡」的腦部狀態。
  • 雖然鳥類的腦和人類平行演化,差異很大,但在自我辨識的鏡像研究中,它與人類、人猿、海豚和大象有驚人相似之處,顯示「神經基礎物質」令鳥類有和人相似的體驗。
  • 「某些可影響人類意識行為的藥物,亦可施用於動物身上,對其行為引起類似的干擾⋯⋯(證明)兩者於進化上共享原始情感感質(Primal affective qualia)」
(2012.12.7 補充)
Let us applaud the Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness and work hard to get animals the protection they deserve. And let us hope that the declaration is not simply a grandstanding gesture but rather something with teeth, something that leads to action. We should all take this opportunity to stop the abuse of millions upon millions of conscious animals in the name of science, education, food, clothing and entertainment. We owe it to them to use what we know on their behalf and to factor compassion and empathy into our treatment of them.
—Marc Bekoff, "Animals are conscious and should be treated as such." 26 September 2012. New Scientist

