星期三, 10月 29, 2014

法治觀念 (Rule of Law)


- 梁國雄、馮家強、盧偉明 對 香港特別行政區 (終院刑事上訴編號:2005年第1號及第2號,終審法院判決,2005年7月8日

「在一個法治社會中,法庭必須銳意地保護各項基本權利,而且必須嚴格地審查任何可能對該等基本權利施加的限制。」(第16段) (首席法官李國能作出之主要判詞)

見 http://www.judiciary.gov.hk/tc/legal_ref/judgments.htm

The rule of law will emphasize on how to prevent abuse of power

- Leung Kwok Hung & others v HKSAR (FACC 1 & 2/2005, Court of Final Appeal judgment dated 8 July 2005)

“In a society governed by the rule of law, the courts must be vigilant in the protection of fundamental rights and must rigorously examine any restriction that may be placed on them.” (paragraph 16) (majority judgment by Chief Justice Li)

see http://www.judiciary.gov.hk/tc/legal_ref/judgments.htm

Chief Justice Li, Mr Justice Chan PJ, Mr Justice Ribeiro PJ and Sir Anthony Mason NPJ:

1.  The freedom of peaceful assembly is a fundamental right.  It is closely associated with the fundamental right of the freedom of speech.  The freedom of speech and the freedom of peaceful assembly are precious and lie at the foundation of a democratic society.

2.  These freedoms are of cardinal importance for the stability and progress of society for a number of inter-related reasons.  The resolution of conflicts, tensions and problems through open dialogue and debate is of the essence of a democratic society.  These freedoms enable such dialogue and debate to take place and ensure their vigour.  A democratic society is one where the market place of ideas must thrive.  These freedoms enable citizens to voice criticisms, air grievances and seek redress.  This is relevant not only to institutions exercising powers of government but also to organizations outside the public sector which in modern times have tremendous influence over the lives of citizens.  Minority views may be disagreeable, unpopular, distasteful or even offensive to others.  But tolerance is a hallmark of a pluralistic society.  Through the exercise of these freedoms minority views can be properly ventilated.

3.  A peaceful assembly may consist of a procession, as it did in the present case.  A procession is an effective means of communication because it involves an expression of the views of the participants as they move from one place to another.  A procession has been aptly called an assembly in motion.  The message the participants are seeking to communicate may have a wide exposure.  A procession is a potent method of expression and is a common phenomenon in democratic societies including Hong Kong.

4.  This appeal concerns a challenge to the constitutionality of the statutory scheme for the regulation of public processions contained in the Public Order Ordinance, Cap. 245 (“the Ordinance”).  The focus of the challenge is on the contention that the statutory discretion conferred on the Commissioner of Police (“the Commissioner”) to restrict the right of peaceful assembly for the purpose of “public order (ordre public)” is too wide and uncertain to satisfy the requirements of constitutionality.



1.  和平集會自由是一項基本權利,與言論自由這另一項基本權利緊密相連。言論自由及和平集會自由都是寶貴的權利,亦是民主社會的基石。

2.  基於一些互相關聯的理由,這些自由對社會的穩定和進步至為重要。就民主社會而言,最重要的是能透過公開對話和辯論來化解衝突、打破僵局和解決難題。這些自由使上述對話和辯論得以進行以至積極地進行。一個民主社會必須是一個百家爭鳴的場所,而這些自由使市民能夠提出批評、表達不滿和尋求糾正。這不僅對行使政府權力的機構重要,對現時不屬公營部門但可對市民的生活造成巨大影響的機構同樣重要。少數派的意見可能令人不悅、不受歡迎、令人反感或甚至冒犯他人,但寬容是一個多元社會的標誌。透過行使這些自由,市民可正當地公開討論少數派的意見。

3.  和平集會可以包括遊行,而這正是本案所涉及的活動。遊行是一種有效的傳達訊息的方法,因為參與者會透過由一處地方遊行到另一處地方來表達意見。遊行曾被貼切地稱為移動中的集會,而遊行人士所試圖傳達的訊息可能得以廣泛傳揚。遊行是一種有力的表達方法,在包括香港在內的民主社會中是常見的活動。

4.  本上訴涉及對一項載於《公安條例》(香港法例第245章)(“該條例”)並用以規管公眾遊行的法定計劃是否合憲而提出的質疑。這項質疑的重點是指:警務處處長(“處長”)所獲賦予的為維持“公共秩序”[“public order (ordre public)”]而限制和平集會權利的法定酌情權過於廣泛和不確定,以致未能符合憲法的規定。

星期二, 10月 28, 2014

少年Pi眼中的宇宙(下) _ 讀者投稿 _ 主場新聞



2013-3-1 10:14:02

文:Selina Cheng,堅信理想的可能性,但對現實持極懷疑態度。

- 原題為〈Pi眼中的宇宙 – 《Life of Pi》分析〉,現題為編輯所擬。



Pi 在電影中提及的神大概有三個:印度教的Krishna、Vishnu和Brahman、基督教的上帝和回教的阿拉。

Instead of leaping from one religion to the next, why not start with reason?
這句台詞其實是電影版加插,嚴重扭曲了原著的意思:Pi 不是短時間內相信不同宗教,他是同一時間相信三個宗教。

除了 Mr. Kumar 的一段插曲,還有第二段被刪的插曲對故事的意義有重大影響,刪減後 Life of Pi 在一個形上學(metaphysics)問題的回應因此被略過了。 這兩點變更似乎反映了李安對於作者原意的不理解,實是可惜。

這段精妙幽默的插曲位於書中第23章,我著實未曾以為電影中居然會刪減這樣重要的一幕,卻反而加插了一條不太有趣的「感情線」。這一幕中,Pi 已經有好一段時間有規律地上教堂、上清真寺和印度廟宇。一個星期天,Pi 和父母在城裡散步,卻巧合地同時遇上了教導 Pi的神父、回教阿訇和印度教祭師前來「見家長」。

事緣三位神職人員均發現一直虔誠的孩子 Pi 原來同時相信其他宗教,因而要向他父母投訴。發現 Pi 不止為「異教徒」,還要是三個宗教的信徒,他們當然暴跳如雷,並同時互相指責對方宗教的荒謬和不可信。然而,好比毛澤東和蔣介石都同意中國只有一個,三個神職人員都不得不否認他們有同意的地方:
It was hard to tell whose face was more inflamed. It looked as if they might come to blows. Father raised his hands. “Gentlemen, gentlemen, please!” he interjected. “I would like to remind you there is freedom of practice in this country.” Three apoplectic faces turned to him. “Yes! Practice – singular!” The wise men screamed in unison. Three index fingers, like punctuation marks, jumped to attention in the air to emphasize their point. They were not pleased at the unintended choral effect or the spontaneous unity of their gestures.
沒錯:基督教、回教都是一神教,印度教雖被說是多神教,其實亦只有一個神靈,或稱「世界靈魂」(Brahman)的多個化身。一個認為世上只有一個真神的基督徒又怎能相信其他宗教的神?一個祭師又怎會接受自己的教徒亦是別教的教徒?除非 — 除非他認為不同宗教的神都是同一個神的不同形象。電影中 Pi 說:
God works in mysterious ways, and so he introduced himself again, this time by the name of Allah.
這句說明了 Pi 認為神只有一個(God, 不是Gods),只是稱號不同,在不同宗教反映的只是對待信仰和靈性不同的部份和不同的方式。故事發生在作為多宗教國家的印度亦造就了它不可或缺的故事背景:印度多個世紀以來有眾多佛教、回教及印度教教徒,不同教徒卻可在同一片土地上和諧共處,未曾有宗教戰爭的出現。書中說得較清楚:
What it comes down to .. is whether Piscine wants real religion.
Pi 自己更解釋:
Bapu Gandhi said, ‘All religions are true.’ I just want to love God. … You can’t reprimand a boy for wanting to love God. The three wise men pulled away with stiff, grudging smiles on their faces.
Pi 不只認為世上只有一個神,他還認為所有宗教的所有神都是同一個神,這是比一神論(Monotheism)更「激」的一元論(Monism):形上學的一元認為世上所有東西的最根本都是同一種東西,只以不同方式組成不同形象,像是物理學裡認為所有物質都以原子構成。

相反,二元論則為「在任何既有的領域之內,都有兩個獨立而不可相互還原的實體(Substance)。換言之,宇宙最根本的實在是二而非一。」(6)  現代社會傾向認同拍拉圖的二元論(Dualism),即是認為世間萬物均能分為心物二元,精神與物質兩端。當然 Life of Pi 內的一元不是指世界只有「心」或只有「物」,否則作者便不會認同科學和宗教兩者各自的地位。他未有提到一個清晰的一元學說,卻顯示出一種一元思想:神、自然和人(「我」)都是一體之內。而且,印度教和印度哲學(甚至東方哲學)的特性為一元論,有別於以二元論為主的西方哲學。

Life of Pi 裡表現的一元思想其實很易理解:就是莊子說「天地與我並生,萬物與我唯一」的思想。如前所述,作者表達了神、自然和人都是在一體之內的宇宙觀。

這思想是印度婆羅門哲學的中心:「婆羅門哲學所關心的主旨是萬象(現象界之萬象)和統一體(婆羅門,又稱梵天)之間的關係。」(7) 婆羅門(或稱梵天)是Brahman,Life of Pi 多次提到它:
Brahman saguna is Brahman made manifest to our limited senses, Brahman expressed not only in gods but in humans, animals, trees, in a handful of earth, for everything has a trace of the divine in it. The truth of life is that Brahman is no different from atman, the spiritual force within us, what you might call the soul. The individual soul touches upon the world soul like a well reaches for the water table.
 That which sustains the universe beyond thought and language, and that which is at the core of us and struggles for expression, is the same thing. The finite within the infinite, the infinite within the finite. If you ask me how Brahman and atman relate precisely, I would say in the same way the father, the son and the Holy Spirit relate: mysteriously.

印度教中的梵天(Brahman)被認為是處於最高的靈性,稱「世界靈魂」(world soul), 無形、無屬性,但萬物均由祂而來,是萬物共享的靈性(「可以通過人、動物、樹木、一抔泥土表現他出來,一切都有神的蹤跡」)。

祂可人格化(personified)地展現:人格化的梵天叫 Brahma 或Brahman saguna,是「有屬性的梵天」的意思;亦可是非人格化的,叫 Brahman。 梵天本無屬性,不能被定義,卻在萬物中反映出來。人在萬物中能看見神的影子,而萬物也參與在同一個最高靈性之中。這種「萬物與我唯一」的關係能比喻為「水中的一點水滴」。

Pi 以他對大自然的愛來表達這種唯一論:透過梵天創造之物,他看見神的形象;而在自己身上,他則通過靈修(如祈禱等)感受到神在他之內,他與神為一體。電影中,老虎和 Pi 亦常以凝視表達這種人、神和自然間的感通。

前述兩個 Mr. Kumar 與斑馬的一幕也清楚表現了這種唯一的感覺:宗教取態相反的二人與斑馬的接觸使三者連為一個靈性單位。或者我們可以想像在海灘上聽著浪濤的聲音和看著滿天星斗時的感覺:一方面感嘆著自然的偉大,想像著世界是否有一個神創造,另一方面認為自己多麼渺小,卻又是與更高宇宙緊緊融合的一個參與者。 除代表創造者的 Brahma 之外,印度教的另外兩個最主要的神是Vishnu 和 Shiva。

Vishnu 代表保護者,Pi 在捉到魚的時候都會感謝這個神保護他。Krishna則是Vishnu十個化身的其中之一。書中和電影中都提到年幼的 Krishna 被母親斥責吃了泥土,他母親叫他張口看 — 他的口中當然有泥土,因她在他口中還看到整個宇宙。Krishna 跟梵天的性質一樣:整個世界均在神之內 。萬物歸一為靈,萬物均存在於一個靈性之內就是 Pi 的一元論。

- 人作為世界的一部份,存於在天空與星辰之中

- 電影中多次出現以海洋模仿浩瀚宇宙的場面

那麼,有著整個宇宙的神是誰?佛洛姆的《愛的藝術》能用以說明為何對 Pi 來說,所有神都是同一。



同時,「上帝是絕對的無 — 這正如在猶太神秘哲學中,終極的真相為『Ein Sof』 — 無境的一。… 世界能夠被吾人終極掌握的,不在於思想,而在於行為,在於合一的體驗。… 愛上帝並非在思想中對上帝的了解,也非心中存有愛上帝的意念,而是同上帝合而為一的行為體驗。」

Ein Sof 也就正正呼應了開首提過 Tsimtsum 無限的光的神學一元概念。有關合一的體驗,Pi 跟回教的 Mr. Kumar 禱告完後,在回家的路上有以下感想 (第20章):
One such time I left town and on my way back, at a point where the land was high and I could see the sea to my left and down the road a long ways, I suddenly felt I was in heaven. The spot was in fact no different from when I had passed it not long before, but my way of seeing it had changed. The feeling, a paradoxical mix of pulsing energy and profound peace, was intense and blissful.
Whereas before the road, the sea, the trees, the air, the sun all spoke differently to me, now they spoke one language of unity. Tree took account of road, which was aware of air, which was mindful of sea, which shared things with sun. Every element lived in harmonious relation with its neighbor, and all was kith and kin. I knelt a mortal, I rose an immortal. I felt like the centre of a small circle coinciding with the centre of a much larger one. Atman met Allah.
Pi 是用以計算圓周的數字,Pi 亦同時是感到自己是小圓的中心,並與大圓接軌、合一。通過自身心靈的無限(π),人能接觸宇宙的無限。

同時,印度教原稱為「Sanatana Dharma」(通用的 Hinduism是西方殖民者後加的名稱),和猶太教的 Ein sof 及Tsimtsum有同樣的意思:
Sanatana denotes that which always is, that which has neither beginning nor end, that which is eternal in its very essence. Dharma is designed to communicate the view that there is an underlying structure of natural law that is inherent in the very intrinsic constitution of Being itself - an essential nature. Thus, Sanatana Dharma refers to the eternal, natural way, the never beginning and never ending flow of the whole of being. (9)
印度祭師 Swami Rama 說:
The words "religion" and "dharma" denote two entirely different concepts and perspectives. Religion is comprised of rituals, customs, and dogmas surviving on the basis of fear and blind faith. Dharma--a word, unfortunately, with no English equivalent--encapsulates those great laws and disciplines that uphold, sustain, and ultimately lead humanity to the sublime heights of worldly and spiritual glory. Established in the name of God, a religion is an institution that requires a growing number of adherents for its expansion and future existence.
 A religion discriminates against human beings who do not belong to its particular order and condemns their way of living and being, whereas dharma is eternal, looking for no followers for its propagation.
With no discrimination whatsoever, it leads a human being beyond the realms of man-made, institutionalized dictums. Instead of creating fear of God, it makes God manifest in the human heart, not in an anthropomorphic form, but as the absolute and universal One in whom all diversities reside in perfect harmony.(10)
在 Life of Pi 中,並未提過那「耶穌+阿拉+梵天」的神到底是誰。神是無形卻又是全形,祂是所有,因此三神都能還原歸一,卻又是「無」,不能被正確定義,不能以理性掌握,不能被思量。就以上的解釋,神超越了上帝、阿拉和梵天,更超越宗教,因後者只是人為的機構。

既然與神的感通超越宗教的範圍之內,Pi 如何看待宗教?他在第25章如是說:
And that wasn't the end of it. There are always those who take it upon themselves to defend God, as if Ultimate Reality, as if the sustaining frame of existence, were something weak and helpless. These people walk by a widow deformed by leprosy begging for a few paise, walk by children dressed in rags living in the street, and they think, "Business as usual." But if they perceive a slight against God, it is a different story. Their faces go red, their chests heave mightily, they sputter angry words. The degree of their indignation is astonishing. Their resolve is frightening.
These people fail to realize that it is on the inside that God must be defended, not on the outside. They should direct their anger at themselves. For evil in the open is but evil from within that has been let out. The main battlefield for good is not the open ground of the public arena but the small clearing of each heart. Meanwhile, the lot of widows and homeless children is very hard, and it is to their defense, not God's, that the self-righteous should rush.
Once an oaf chased me away from the Great Mosque. When I went to church the priest glared at me so that I could not feel the peace of Christ. A Brahmin sometimes shooed me away from darshan. My religious doings were reported to my parents in the hushed, urgent tones of treason revealed. 
As if this small-mindedness did God any good. 
To me, religion is about our dignity, not our depravity. 
I stopped attending Mass at Our Lady of Immaculate Conception and went instead to Our Lady of Angels. I no longer lingered after Friday prayer among my brethren. I went to temple at crowded times when the Brahmins were too distracted to come between God and me. 

人是誰?:Castaway - The human condition


「人誕生之際 — 就全人類而言,就個人而言皆是如此 — 就從一個確定的處境中被拋出… 他察覺到自己是一個與他人分離的個體,察覺到自己的生命的短暫;他未得自己的同意而生,又要違反自己的意願而死;他將死於他所愛的人之先,或他所愛的將死於他之先;他察覺到他的孤獨與隔離,他在大自然及社會種種力量面前無助 — 所有這一切都使他覺得他那隔離的及被劃開的生存狀態是一個不可忍受的監牢。」 (11)

單單是作為人,他的生存就跟在海上飄流的 Pi 的處境一樣。在誕生之時,人已竭力以各種方式脫離這種隔離、脫離這個令他徬徨不安、時時威脅他的生存的海洋:他渴望與他人和環境溝通、渴望愛與被愛。我們每個人都是 Pi。人的生存狀態,與 Pi 作為飄流者的經歷一致 (第78章):
To be a castaway is to be a point perpetually at the centre of a circle. However much things may appear to change – the sea may shift from whisper to rage, the sky might go from fresh blue to blinding white to darkest black – the geometry never changes. Your gaze is always a radius. The circumference is ever great. In fact, the circles multiply. To be a castaway is to be caught in a harrowing ballet of circles. 
You are at the centre of one circle, while above you two opposing circles spin about. The sun distresses you like a crowd, a noisy, invasive crowd that makes you cup your ears, that makes you close your eyes, that makes you want to hide. 
The moon distresses you by silently reminding you of your solitude; you open your eyes wide to escape your loneliness. When you look up, you sometimes wonder if at the centre of a solar storm, if in the middle of the Sea of Tranquillity, there isn’t another one like you also looking up, also trapped by geometry, also struggling with fear, rage, madness, hopelessness, apathy.

Pi 在救生筏上以生命作工具,竭力希望能回到人類文明的奮鬥,亦即是人在生存狀態之內,努力擺脫隔離,並設法與他者和深不可測的宇宙接觸的追尋

在食人島上,他的生理能得到滿足:食水和食物源源不絕,沒有猛獸的威脅,固然是安居的好地方。但若只滿足於空虛的安穩,到最後就只會落為侵蝕至只剩一具頹敗的驅殼 。就像是先前留過在島上的人,安逸的生活侵蝕得他只剩下牙齒。如果 Pi 選擇留在島上,他便會丟棄先前令他決意生存的信仰,靈魂會在放棄追尋的當下死去。他說:"I had to get back to the world or die trying."


Pi 在他的旅程中從未知道他的航向。日本人亦始終未能查出船為何沉沒。人在他的生命中不知道他為何原因而來,亦不知道該往哪個方向走。但原因和方向的缺乏不阻我們在這路上走下去,因為,至少對有信仰的人來說,一直走下去至少能贏得自己的靈魂,並儘量向宇宙的靈性靠近。

雖然不知道我們的故事的起因,亦不知道結局,但至少依著想像力,我們可以自由選擇"The better story",並不住相信:我們能夠努力向著正確的方向返回陸地。

7) 佛洛姆,《愛的藝術》,志文出版社,1999,96頁
8) 梁文道評Life of Pi文章中取出的譯段
10) idem.(or more precisely http://www.swamij.com/sanatana-dharma-what-is.htm)

少年Pi眼中的宇宙(上) _ 讀者投稿 _ 主場新聞



2013-3-1 10:14:02

文:Selina Cheng,堅信理想的可能性,但對現實持極懷疑態度。

- 原題為〈Pi眼中的宇宙 – 《Life of Pi》分析〉,現題為編輯所擬。


Life of Pi 的電影最近獲十一項包括最佳電影的奧斯卡提名,最後贏得最佳電影攝影獎。這部書早前被李安拍成電影,看見網上不少人都熱烈地嘗試評論和分析。且不多說故事大綱。故事兩個重心 — 動物學和神學 — 看似毫無關聯,卻能以看似離奇的方式串連一起,是反映作者中心哲學的神筆,神在何處。


看完電影或者原著,會問的問題大概就那幾個:哪個故事版本才是真相?為什麼Pi要提出一個真、一個假的版本?動物和宗教的關係在何處?到底Pi的宗教信仰為何?食人島有什麼意思?和: 故事的教訓是麼?
I have a story that will make you believe in God.
在《筆者的話》中,作者Yann Martel講述自己如何在失敗的寫作生涯中偶然遇到Pi的故事,毅然改變小說選材,寫下這個奇異卻又是真人真事的故事。 結尾,Pi終獲救。正當我們要舒一口氣慶幸Pi的生存才能讓作者記下他的事迹,卻透過日本調查人員發現,原來這個引人入勝的奇遇可能是假的!


《Life of Pi》中的宇宙論:無限中的有限

回答這個問題之前,不得不留意偈力找出事實的日本調查員都承認老虎版本、較「假」的那個故事比較動人的「The better story」。我們的問題於是成為:倒底應選擇較殘酷可怕的事實,還是較可愛動人的想像?




從Pi的故事來說,不能回答輪船「為什麼」沉沒就等同不能回答宇宙「為什麼」要存在。只要考究一下那首輪船的名稱「Tsimtsum」就明白兩者間的直接聯繫。Tsimtsum為一宇宙創造論(Cosmogony theory),此詞於猶太神學的卡拉比教派(Kabalism)中用以解釋全能之神創造世界的概念,可被譯為收縮、退回、後退、減少的意思。



另外必需一提的是Tsimtsum裡神無限的光以圓形為象徵,因圓是完美的典型象徵。Tsimtsum一說亦指出,神無限的光就像一個無限循環的圓收縮至只餘下一條可被量度的線,這個過程稱為「The Ari」(1) ,由代表卡巴拉派的神學家Isaac Luria提出(2) 。在這位置上,Tsimtsum跟無理數(irrational number)π 的關係就是兩者都能把無限的圓化為有限的一條線。(見圖)


正正因為神收回全能的力量,人因而能在神留出來的空間實踐自由意志。Pi正正是在船沉沒以後才能把自由意志發揮得淋漓盡致,他代表的是神的全能和人有限的世界間的連接點。再者,Tsimtsum後的下一步說明神創造的世界是一條船(Shevirat HaKelim),卻因承受不了神偉大的光輝而變得破碎。

人的工作便是要撿回並重組這些碎片(這步名為Tikkun),一項嘗試把物質跟靈性的破裂作修補的永恆工作。由此,Pi的海難便是一項物質與靈性間的個人戰爭:在食人的需要和罪疚間,Pi見證了物質生存導致靈性的淪落。這就是Life of Pi的宇宙論的出發點。


至於對於宇宙為何物、怎樣理解宇宙,不少人都有著巨大的意見分歧。例如社會學實證主義之父August Compte認為一切社會都分三階段演化:神學期(theological stage)、哲學期(metaphysical stage)、及科學實證期(positive stage)。


可是自十七世紀發展至現代,科學導致無神論越漸普及,很少人再會純粹以宗教為自然作解釋,因科學的確是在很多方面解釋了宗教不能自圓其說的地方(日心說、達爾文物種演化論為例)。由以宗教為主演變為以科學及實證為主要理解世界的方式的過渡時期被稱為「Disenchantment of the world」。「Disenchantment」一詞在中文有多種譯法,可解作「覺醒」,但在更準確的應該是「祛魅」,即是去除一切幻想的過程。反義詞 「enchantment」指具有魔力的東西、像具有魔力般吸引人的,那「disenchantment」就是對於這類魔力、神仙法術、神話寓言等說的否定。正當社會大部份人放棄宗教而以科學代之,我們可說他們放棄以富幻想力的方式思考世界,一切在科學裡變得直接坦白,黑就是黑,白就是白,沒有多餘的空間。

提到幻想,也就不太難理解Life of Pi的宇宙論旨在於宗教和科學兩種學說之間取態。Pi說過「The world isn’t just the way it is. It is how we understand it, no?」 如果 The world is the way it is,那只要以各種理性方法證明科學或宗教是正確而應被取納,而對方是錯誤而必需被摒棄,那在兩者間作抉擇就不太困難。但隨著不同人不同的眼睛看出來的世界都不一樣,我們便不能只認識世界呈現出的表面,而需深入了解它的內在。

如果單以世界呈現的外在選擇某種方式去看待它,就像是單單以地心說的錯誤否定整個基督教一樣斬手指避沙蟲,以Pi的說法是「You risk throwing out the universe with the bathwater.」。正如一張畫的價值不在於畫家如何準確無誤的繪出物件,而是在於他如何取材、取色、取光,因為這些都包括在畫家選取的角度之內,表示出他對被繪之物的理解和詮釋  (interpretation)。即是說,Pi認為重要的不是人如何認識這個世界,而是他想要如何詮釋世界。



在考究兩個版本的分別之前,先提一下在電影中被刪除,卻對理解Pi的哲學有重大意義的一段插曲。第31章講述Pi邀請啟蒙他回教信仰的麵包師傅Mr. Kumar參觀父親的動物園,途中卻巧合遇到他相信無神論的生物學老師,同名的另一Mr. Kumar。兩個Mr. Kumar,一個回教徒、一個無神論者於是雙雙跟隨Pi參觀斑馬,並向之餵以紅蘿蔔。在斑馬之前,兩個Mr. Kumar 都對牠獨特的顏色唧唧稱奇,表示驚嘆。
Mr. And Mr. Kumar looked delighted.
“A zebra, you say?” said Mr. Kumar.
“That’s right,” I replied. “It belongs to the same family as the ass and the horse.”
“The Rolls-Royce of equids,” said Mr. Kumar.
“What a wondrous creature,” said Mr. Kumar.
“This one’s a Grant’s zebra,” I said.
Mr. Kumar said, “Equus burchelli boehmi.”
Mr. Kumar said, “Allahu akbar.”
I said, “It’s very pretty.”
We looked on.
第31章展出代表科學的無神論生物學老師Mr. Kumar與代表宗教的回教徒麵包師傅Mr. Kumar相遇、相接合的情境。

不單止二人同名叫 Mr. Kumar象徵兩種的學說均代表同一事物(名稱是代表事物的稱號)— 宗教和科學想要解釋的是同一個世界;兩種似是背道而馳的學說在同一自然世界之前都會同樣地感到驚奇、感動和讚嘆。生物學老師說的「Equus burchelli boehmi」是其中一個斑馬品種的學名,代表他作為科學老師的知識和身份;而麵包師傅說的「Allahu akbar」則是「God is most great.」的意思(3) ,代表他作為虔誠信徒對於神所創造之物的讚頌。

最後,Pi的一句則同時結合了兩者的感受:「It’s very pretty.」不論是相信有神或是無神,兩人都不能自已地受她的美麗觸動並以自己的方式表達對自然奧妙之處的讚嘆。在世界之大、世界之美之前,科學和宗教是兩種不同的詮釋的方法,美麗的世界卻只有一個。


"Instead of leaping from one religion to the next, why not start with reason? In a few hundred years science has taken us farther in understanding the universe than the religion has in ten thousand years."
"Science can teach us what is out there, but not what is in here. "

在 Life of Pi 的結尾,我們發現原來他的海上求生故事也有兩個版本。其一是平白描述所發生的事實,亦即代表以科學描述和知道世界;其二為更有趣、富幻想力的是一段經歷的描述,代表著透過宗教裡富有色彩的神話、寓言和符號明白世界為何物。雖然我們都知道哪個故事是事實、哪個是幻想,但能否就此斷定其真假?動物的版本看似是幻想多於事實,但細心看我們便會發然幻想中也有真相。當年因為想要找出故事真相,我還親自以實證證明。說出來大家不要笑:





康德在《純粹理性批判》(即哲學的現象學(Phenomenology) 裡指的就是一切已知事物都只能以其現象認識。要認識一物本身為何是極難,因為人一經任何途徑去認識(感官、思想)事物,只能主觀認識此物對他而言是什麼,而非此物客觀的本身是甚麼。面對要求他說出事實的日本調查員,Pi說:
"Isn’t telling about something — using words, English or Japanese — already something of an invention? Isn’t just looking upon this world already something of an invention?"
Pi 的經歷只有 Pi 一個人能敘述,但經 Pi 口中所出的敘述卻永不能保證客觀。即使他努力描述事實,這只是「他的」事實。經過他的思考整合、言語表達,事實也就一早消散得無影無蹤。從這個角度看,也就不能說食人版本的故事為事實,而事實亦不能保證真相。



科學和宗教就是以不同的眼鏡看待我們的大世界:一對用以客觀地探究、認識它的外在,另一對則用以主觀地探索、明白它的內在。並不是說現實中不該尋求事實,而是事實比起其他變得次要。在 Pi 最後的問題︰
"So tell me, since it makes no factual difference to you and you can’t prove the question either way, which story do you prefer?"

回到我們開首時提過關於「為什麼」人要生存的問題、甚至神的意義的問題— "God sacrificed his son because of his love for men – that made no sense at all",均是超越科學實證及理性能力之外的討論。就宗教來說,無數的哲學或神學家都曾嘗試使用邏輯或實證方法去證明神的存在或不存在。然而,神的存在是事實與否,都不是用以論證或反駁宗教教理的主要工具。

神存在與否,跟應否原諒人七十個七次沒有直接邏輯因果關係。根據這個理解,我們更可明白 "I have a story that will make you believe in God" 的意思: Pi 的故事不在於向讀者證明神存在,他只想叫我們明白如果要相信神,有強烈的信仰(和想象力)才是關鍵,表面事實變得無關重要。因此,「到底哪個版本才是事實?」這個問題在此情況下變得毫無價值可言;反之,「到底什麼才是真理?」才是值得我們思考的問題。

雖然不能也不需知道事實,又未知真理為何,Pi 卻道出了動物版本才是 "the better story"。動物版本不但幫助 Pi 以更易心理上接受他的可怕食人經歷,也幫助我們透過 Pi 的想像以更個人的方式了解他的經歷。

宗教的特式之一就是寓言(allegory, parable)和圖象(imagery)的使用。耶穌說他要以寓言講道人才會明白其後更深一層的道理,因為故事能被人以最貼近自己心靈和人格的方式理解、詮釋。與其生硬學習條文化的宗教教義和法律,透過故事和想像滲透的道理則更易讓人從內裡與這些靈性結合為一,讓故事的真義成為自己的一部份。網上的其中一份分析說得不錯:
If fiction is an escape hatch or a gentler version of the truth, then religion is a lifeboat that keeps us afloat in the face of our own mortality. Both fiction and religion perform a similar function. They take the simple biological imperatives—we are born, we live, we die—and color them with narrative in an effort to make them more palatable, more personal, more digestible.
All religions provide believers with a creation story, rituals for daily life, and stories that illustrate, in an indirect way, the nature of human life. All fiction supplies us with characters, settings, and language that help us get closer and closer to grasping universal truths. The significance of religion within Martel’s novel is just like that of fiction: both use metaphor, simile, allusion, imagery, and hyperbole to help us understand and live with the realities of human existence.(4)
「門徒進前來,問耶穌說:對眾人講話,為什麼用比喻呢? 耶穌回答說:因為天國的奧祕只叫你們知道,不叫他們知道。 …  所以我用比喻對他們講,是因他們看也看不見,聽也聽不見,也不明白。 在他們身上,正應了以賽亞的預言,說:你們聽是要聽見,卻不明白;看是要看見,卻不曉得; 因為這百姓油蒙了心,耳朵發沉,眼睛閉著,恐怕眼睛看見,耳朵聽見,心裡明白,回轉過來,我就醫治他們。但你們的眼睛是有福的,因為看見了;你們的耳朵也是有福的,因為聽見了。」(馬太福音13:10-16)

Life of Pi is organized around a philosophical debate about the modern world’s privileging of reason over imagination, science over religion, materialism over idealism, fact over fiction or story.(5)
使用科學方法去理解靈性,就會 throwing the baby out with the bath water。就這樣簡單。

1)Tzvi FREEMAN, « What is Tsimtsum ? Presence through absence », Chabad.org, http://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/2047206/jewish/Tsimtsum.htm
2)Life of Pi 原著第1章第1頁中,Pi指出他的宗教研究畢業論文論題關於  « The cosmogony theory of Isaac Luria »,即Tsimtsum之說。
4)Sparknotes.com, « life of Pi » , http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/lifeofpi/section11.rhtml
5)F. STRATTON, “Hollow at the core : Deconstructing Yann Martel’s Life of Pi”, http://journals.hil.unb.ca/index.php/scl/article/view/12746/13689 , 2004

星期五, 10月 17, 2014

大聯盟請向群眾道歉 莫變另一個CY _ 主場新聞 House News


陳火是一個最怕寫自我介紹的中年人 陳火是一個對什麼事情也看不順眼的中年人 陳火是一個什麼也要評論一番的中年人

2012-9-10 15:55:07
















星期三, 10月 15, 2014

當醫生嘗試祈禱 _ 周兆祥 _ 主場新聞



2012-10-4 10:00:33





  • (當我開始祈禱那一刻)我走投無路,甚麼都願意做,只要救到牠,因此平時不准自己做的、拒絕相信的,一一暫時『解禁』;
  • (當牠突然病情轉好時)我雖然大喜過望,也同時死不肯相信那是祈禱的效應『這是不可能發生的』,我甚至不大相信病情真的轉好;我的左右腦開始鬥爭:左腦是傳統式的醫學訓練,講科學講理由,右腦則是難以解釋的、無根無據的眼前事實,一時感到恐懼,因為不知道『究竟我做了甚麼事?』,拒絕承認自己居然做出違反科學的奇蹟;
  • (等到第三天,停止祈禱、愛犬再度病危時)我再努力祈禱已經不再一心一意,因為我不敢去證實自己的確有能力做一點點祈禱,就達到不可思議、無從理解的效果。」


資料來源:Larry Dossey, Prayer is Good Medicine, HarperCollins, 1996, Part 4.


星期五, 10月 03, 2014

人粉出櫃評選戰 _ 主場新聞 House News



2012-9-10 11:35:57





何以其他政黨不支持所謂較激進抗爭手法,如拉布或2010年做過的五區變相公投等,我唔知。我認為唯一合理解釋,是門戶之見,“Not Invented Here”情意結,就算是好橋,不是自己先推而是附和人家,就算有威都只係俾人攞。(大家或者記得,司徒華先生曾在電台講過,五區公投「值得做、應該做、快D做」,還提過包括民主黨人的五人名單,後來變成大力反對。)但現在反國民教育民憤高漲,佢地仍然只係「扮反對」,究竟到甚麼危急關頭,才會「真反對」呢?














其實所謂泛民「大敗」或「倒退」,亦只是相對2008而言。2008年泛民在幾個區「偷雞」成功(港島、新西、新東),贏得比票數比例為多之議席:得票59.4%,依比例應拿18席(59.4%x30),結果得19席,賺了1席。今次保皇黨經歷上次教訓,也懂分拆名單,而泛民得票54.7%(根據主場新聞定義),贏18席,也只能說是「蝕」了一席(54.7% x 35 = 19)而已。



救災與政治 _ HouseViews _ 主場新聞



2012-10-3 9:44:16



無論是內地主動或港府要求廣東省派搜救船援助,都不應引發爭議,內地提供備用救難設施,是一番好意,香港人應感謝。問題是中聯辦李剛與梁振英出巡醫院的場面及講話,令人感到不舒服,聯想到內地領導巡視救災場面,矮化特首地位,結果反而引起爭議。而事件更被質疑是政治show, 因當時事發已數小時,內地救援船來港作用有限,加上事後內地新聞網造假,指內地參與救援成功救起九十五人,難免令人相信是一場政治show。




香港人的日本觀 _ 吳偉明@知日部屋 _ 主場新聞



2013-3-11 12:47:22






第二,日本是英國的盟友。早在1902年英日結盟以前,英日關係良好,作為英國殖民地的香港跟日本在軍事上已有合作。自1894年起日本軍艦每年訪港作補給及交流。甲午戰爭時,英船從香港運送軍火給日本。英日同盟期間(1902-1921) 港日軍事交流頻密。日海軍獲邀參觀英軍在港的炮台與軍營。即使在同盟結束後,至1930年代初為止,港日軍事交流從未中斷。







從1980年代至回歸前(1980年代至1997)日本成為經濟及流行文化超級大國,在香港的經濟及文化影響力達最高峰,港人對日本另眼相看,日本搖身一變,成為學習榜樣。1980年代是「日本第一」(Japan as Number One)的時期,亞洲各地紛紛向日本取經。星馬分別展開Learn from Japan及Look East的運動。香港雖無特別口號,但政府派出多個研修團赴日學習,參考日本的經營模式、基建、交通運輸、社會福祉及環保等經驗。













星期四, 10月 02, 2014

Do you really know why Hongkongers occupy Central?

-          by Dr Leung Kai-chi, Assistant Programme Director, Leadership Development Section, University General Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
-          original article in Chinese, 梁啟智:你真的知道香港人為什麼佔中嗎?
-          translated to English by Cliff Wong

Question 1: What has happened in Hong Kong?
Hongkongers are now fighting for a fair and open universal suffrage proposal in a peaceful way. The Basic Law, the mini-constitution of Hong Kong, stipulates that, at last, the Chief Executive to be elected via universal suffrage. The National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC hereafter) had decided, in 2007, Hong Kong could implement universal suffrage in 2017. These are the bases for Hongkonger’s strong desire for universal suffrage. The Chief Executive is now elected by a 1,200-member Election Committee. Candidates running for the top post of Hong Kong needs a simple majority of 601 votes currently.

The entire process may not truly reflect the opinions of Hong Kong citizens as many deemed that the Election Committee could not represent Hong Kong people. Therefore, many Hongkongers demand a change to the election system. Nevertheless, the NPCSC has stipulated, in her decision in August 2014, that the Election Committee to transform to the Nominating Committee which carries the filtering function before candidates are put forth for universal suffrage. Candidates need to obtain over half votes from the Nominating Committee before running for the election. This means that the current framework laid down by NPCSC does not eliminate the 1,200 people – it instead strengthens the power enjoyed by the current Election Committee.

Question 2: I don’t understand – what the hell is this 1,200 committee?
The 1,200-strong Election Committee is one of core storm in the current debates of constitutional reform in Hong Kong. The Election Committee is divided mainly by industries, like the Eateries and Travelling. But we have to say sorry if you happen to be employed in these industries because only the owners could be involved in the Election Committee. Vote-rigging is simple by opening more shell companies with candidates inclining to the Business sector.

Moreover, the composition of the Election Committee is not even. The Education sector now has 30 seats, elected by all teachers, totaling 81,831 people. The Fisheries and Agriculture sector owns 60 seats but only with 4,000 people in the industry. The more shocking fact is except 158 government-approved representatives, all other people in the Fisheries and Agriculture sector are not eligible for Election Committee. Indeed the local government of the last cabinet has the say on how the Election Committee should form. This signals the inequality of the Election Committee.

There are now over 3.5 million of registered voters who could elect their representatives in Hong Kong legislature and the District Council. Nonetheless, there are less than 240 thousand people eligible to elect members of the Election Committee. In other words, over 3 million Hong Kong people are not represented in the Election Committee.

Question 3: It is normal to incline to the Business sector since Hong Kong is under capitalist rule.
The current election system is detrimental to the development of capitalism in Hong Kong. Capitalism often expands the wealth gap, with a widening difference between the rich and the poor inducing social unrest. Hong Kong’s wealth gap in the past 10 years has been famous of the world, adding fuel to the instability of the society. A business-inclined political system will result in many short-sighted policies which is unfavourable to the business environment. In fact, one of the most important conditions for the success of capitalism is a fair market, built upon a democratic system which could check corruption. Inclining to the Business sector may in the end create policies favourable to individual parties only, leading to unfairness of the market. If you observe the rest of the world, a fair and just political system is necessary for many capitalist countries with different wealth gaps. Hong Kong now tops the Economist's "crony capitalism index". The current election system in Hong Kong will not lead to benefits of the most.

(Note: Modifications to the translated version
Question 3:

It is skipped in the translated version, now translated as:

Hong Kong now tops the Economist's "crony capitalism index".)

Question 4: Regardless of what Hongkongers want, we need to cater China’s thoughts and reality. We cannot copy direct the Western model of democratic political system!

The Chinese government has promised that Hong Kong’s political development must comply with international standards by listing that International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR hereafter) applies to Hong Kong in the Basic Law. ICCPR clearly indicates no unreasonable restrictions to be imposed on civilians who wish to participate in governance. The United Nations’ Human Rights Council further interprets that citizens’ right to join elections must not be limited by unjustified or discriminatory reasons including but not limited to political affiliations.

As far as reality is concerned, the true fact is that Hong Kong will become ungovernable if without genuine universal suffrage. The demand is the key to solve or alleviate many political and social problems of Hong Kong (Question 6). Nobody has demand a complete copy of the US model or the UK system; Hongkongers are just fighting to ensure a genuine choice is available in elections of the city’s top person via the election system. There is open discussion on how to implement this principle.

China’s thoughts? In a commentary back on 2nd February 1944 in Xinhua Daily, a fair and just system must ensure not only the right to vote, but also the right to participate in elections. With the skyrocketing development of China, she should have a higher ability to sustain in political reforms.

Question 5: A step-by-step approach is better – why not allowing the 3.5-million-strong voters to vote first even the nominating process has problems? Isn’t it a step forward?

Following the framework of NPCSC, the democratic process will retard instead of improvement. Five elections (including a supplementary one) in the past required only a one-eighth threshold to be nominated. Two elections had observed candidates with different political views able to go on public debate. With the threshold now raised to a half, candidates filtered in the proposed system will no longer be a genuine choice. Instead it will become rubber stamp for candidates honoured by Beijing. This explains why Hongkongers would prefer no change instead of a step forward like this.

Question 6: How could Hong Kong develop with you guys arguing everyday?
Admittedly speaking, ongoing arguments are a nuisance. So how to solve disputes? We are not condemning those who lead to arguments; we are here to design a system that everyone is convinced of so that a final decision could be reached in the course of arguing. That’s why we deem genuine universal suffrage is a must. The candidate elected from universal suffrage could implement policies with his mandate from the people. Losers could return if they are not convinced of. No endless debates will exist as a result. The current political chaos and failed government is the result of lack of true universal suffrage. Therefore, we are here to fight for a dash instead of initiating new rounds of endless debates.

In the distorted election system and the legislature of Hong Kong, pro-establishment camp will always get the rule while the pro-democracy camp becomes the prolonged opposition parties. This unhealthy situation leads to the lack of political talents in Hong Kong. The pro-establishment has no need to bear the consequences for policies and legislations deemed failure later. Vice versa, the pro-democracy camp will never get their political requests realized. Political talents have no intention to join the pro-democracy camp and will not be recruited by the pro-establishment camp, leading to a poorer governance level of the city. The fight for universal suffrage is to correct the current distorted problem.

Question 7: Hong Kong is part of the Chinese territory; we cannot make decision on our own without consulting the Chinese government?

The Chinese government has promised Hongkongers could make decision on their own. Our legislature’s election could prove this, since the Basic Law only requires the government to inform NPCSC for any changes of the election system. Back in 1993, the then Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, Lu Ping, had indicated publicly of Chinese government non-interference over Hong Kong’s path to democracy, which he claimed is an internal affair within Hong Kong. There is no need to seek China’s consent on changes of the election method of the city’s Legislature.

Back to the Chief Executive election, many local political parties and scholars have put forth different proposals which could completely fit in the requirements of the Basic Law and at the same time able to ensure genuine universal suffrage system is in place. However, all these proposals are put down by the NPCSC’s framework. The decision from the mainland congress is the reason why Hong Kong is vulnerable to social unrest.

Question 8: How about the question of national security? Many foreign forces have wanted to create chaos via Hong Kong, how is it possible to design an electoral system without limits?

National security does not go in conflict with genuine universal suffrage. Many Hongkongers have accepted that the Chinese government has the ultimate right to appoint Chief Executive. The Basic Law has required the elected candidate must be appointed by the central government, meaning that the central government has the right not to appoint somebody. The public has not opposed this requirement in previous consultations by the government.

If so happen a foreign spy is joining the election, the Chinese government could release information of this spy and indicated clearly that appointing a spy is not possible. It is easy and reliable with sufficient evidence. The proposed Nominating Committee is not an international relations expert in the end – they do not have the ability to rule out “foreign forces” on behalf of Hongkongers and the central government. National security is only an excuse unless an international relations examination is needed before joining the Nominating Committee.

Question 9: How about Hongkongers elect someone who oppose the communist government in China?

Trust the system – US President is elected by US citizens and the New York mayor is from the choices of New York people. However, the two key persons may not agree with each other’s political view. New York mayor may, at times, disagree with US President publicly but we do not observe the development of New York turns downward. UK has once experienced a Conservative rule of the Parliament with a Labour rule of the London city chamber. In Taiwan, the Taipei (Taiwan’s capital) mayor may also have different views with the Taiwan president. We have not experienced a downfall of UK or Taiwan either because of political difference. Confidence is the key, both to the central government and Hong Kong people.

Question 10: Why Hong Kong people are still not satisfied when you guys have already enjoyed a very high degree of freedom?

Freedom, democracy and rule of law are complementary to each other. A government not elected by her people will not be pressurized to maintain the freedom of her people. An undemocratic procedure of forming legislation will lead to injustice even with a fair court since the judicial power needs to judge based on the legislation. Over the past 10 years Hongkongers have found their freedom and rule of law have been eroded with no protection from a democratic rule. The Sino-British Joint Declaration ensures the lifestyle of Hong Kong people to remain unchanged for 50 years. However, who to execute and monitor this guarantee without support from a democratic system?

Question 11: No violent means are needed in the fight of democracy!
There is no one who seeks violence in the course of fighting democracy. We are now engaged in public gatherings to request the government to respond. We do not possess any weapons nor any harmful materials. The only violent party right now is the police who aims at disperse the crowd. Pressure groups who lead the demonstration have repeatedly reiterated that the non-violent principle must be maintained. Protestors have raised their hands to indicate their non-resistance when the police act on them.

Moreover, Hong Kong general public has adopted many peaceful means before. In the previous consultation launched by the government, over 120 thousands of people and parties have submitted their proposals and views, but it was left distorted by the government and not truly reflected to NPCSC. Now our option of direct demonstration is the result of ignorance of other means.

Question 12: But the students have already stormed the government headquarters?
NO – the students has only entered the civic square outside the government headquarters by climbing the barricade recently set up. According to Town Planning Board, the square was originally a public space. Public gatherings have also been held in the past. The recent chaos is due to police’s restriction for citizens to gather in the square.

Question 13: It was only a showdown by politicians! The students are misled!
This is a student-led movement, politicians are criticized for failing to stay with pace. The reality is the opposite of the claim. In a macro view, protestors have a very strong rationale though it appears to be radical. In today’s Hong Kong, even if you get majority vote in election, you are still a minority in the chamber, and never have any chance of running the government. The abnormal legislature originated from unjust political system. Over the years, many principle officials, including the Chief Executive, has been accused of numerous scandals and allegations of business-government collusion. However, there was huge difficulty in establishing an investigation, not to say any prosecution. “With great power comes great responsibility.” – However, in Hong Kong’s political sphere, the opposite is true. This has set up a very bad example for the future generation.

(Note: Modifications to the translated version
Question 13:

It is skipped in the translated version, now translated as:
In today’s Hong Kong, even if you get majority vote in election, you are still a minority in the chamber, and never have any chance of running the government.

Phrase 常言能力越大責任越大,香港官場卻是背道而馳

Original translation:
The Hong Kong government has set up a very bad example for the future generation.

Now changed to:
“With great power comes great responsibility.”- However, in Hong Kong’s political sphere, the opposite is true. This has set up a very bad example for the future generation.)

Question 14: This movement must have the support of “foreign forces”!
If you are very worried about foreign forces, you better check how many Election Committee members possess foreign passports. Unless the government is to remove members with foreign passports, this claim is not justified.

Question 15: This is only a movement showing Hong Kong people’s discontent with mainlanders.
The claim is the result, not the cause. The truth is the discontent of Hong Kong people could not be expressed without genuine universal suffrage, so it speeds up the resistance of identification with China. There are many dimensions about Hong Kong people’s identity; some will intend to segregate with China while some others will emphasize the relations between China and Hong Kong, expressing a sense of patriotism. Most of the city’s population originated from the fear of communist rule back in 1949. Their choice has helped them escaped from the continuous political instability over the mainland. This means an emotional connection is accompanied with suspicion. For example in Hong Kong, 470 million dollars had been donated for 1991 Hua Dong(Eastern China) Flooding, but at the same time hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong people had migrated to other countries. Which dimension of identity is shown depends on the social context at the time. We could presume that the discontent of mainlanders will be alleviated with genuine universal suffrage.

(Note: Modifications to the translated version
Question 15:

Phrase: 對中國認同的抗拒
Original translation “the resistance of agreeing with Chinese rule”
Now changed to “the resistance of identification with China”

Phrase: 愛國情懷
Original translation       “emphasize the relations between China and Hong Kong”
Now added:                     “, expressing a sense of patriotism”

Phrase:                            4.7億元
Original translation                0.4 billion dollars
which should be more accurately specified as “0.47 billion”, or simpler as “470 million”

Phrase:                            91年華東水災
Original translation                1991 Huang Dong Flooding
Changed to                     1991 Hua Dong(Eastern China) Flooding

Phrase:                           數以十萬計的香港人
Original translation       “thousands of Hong Kong”
Yet it should be               “around hundred thousand Hong Kong people”

However, other sources indicate the numbers of emigrated Hongkongers should be 數十萬計的香港人, i.e. hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong people)

Question 16: Why Hongkongers did not fight for universal suffrage under colonial rule, when the Governor was not elected as well?

This is a common but unfortunately wrong question. First, there was many protests and movements against the British colonial rule, like the protest for direct election in 1988. Second, the British colonial government did intend to enforce a more democratic rule but was opposed by the Chinese government. Back in 1956, Zhou En-lai had expressed disapproval of Hong Kong people ruling themselves. To avoid excuse from Chinese to take back the city, the British had not implemented the reform. When in 1990s the governor Chris Patten introduced political reform, he was severely criticized by China as “a-thousand-year-criminal”.

Please complain to the Chinese government, not the British government, for failure of achieving universal suffrage during colonial rule. But it seems awkward to rationalize Chinese way of handling political reform by using the British colonial rule to compare – Hong Kong is not a Chinese colony anyway.

Question 17: As NPCSC has laid down the framework, why still go protest?

NPCSC framework is subject to local legislation which requires a two-third approval from the legislature and the consent from the Chief Executive. The approved local legislation will return back to NPCSC for confirmation. In other words, the framework is not final and Hong Kong still has a chance to bring the framework down by voting against the legislation.

(Here below are my own translations)
Supplementary remarks
Some questions are often raised in comments, which are now responded together.

1.    About the speech by Zhou En-lai in 1956, the then Premier of China, the source of which comes from British National Archive FCO 40/327, see here (Note: see also Quartz’s article The Secret history of Hong Kong’s stillborn democracy.) These British internal documents contain assessment of the situation at that time, which are required by law to be disclosed after several decades. The material is used for historic research. Of course, there are comments which criticize that only the British point of view is presented, with an intention to use the Chinese stance to clear themselves (see The Young Plan). In any case, accompanying the post-war development, the awareness of Hong Kong people kept increasing, the demand on colonial government for democracy also elevated. This point should hold.

2.    About the concern that there will be too many candidates, thus calls for filtering by nomination, one can refer to this example: The last French presidential election had ten candidates, after the first round of ballot, a second round is held, with votes casting only on the two candidates who topped the first. This ensures that the winner gets a simple majority vote. Such a scheme is endorsed by both the democratic and the pro-establishment camps in Hong Kong, and can well handle the issue of “too many candidates”, with a legitimacy unparalleled by what the 1200 people can offer.

3.    About the concept that “Cannot break the law anyway”, if we really stick to it, then the world can have no Mahatma Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, and not even Sun yat-sen and Mao Zedong. Using illegal means to fight democracy is most common in history. Now the fight further emphasizes non-violence, its success or failure depends only on public support, hence whether the protestors should break the law, is not determined by any individual, but only the Hong Kong public opinion can tell.

4.    If without evidence, please stop labeling the students, claiming that they are instigated. If others abuse name calling and claim that you are brainwashed by communist party, you will not feel good either. Always base your discussion on facts, only then the society can progress. Thank you.

Internet resources
A series of animations to illustrate the issues on universal suffrage
“Glance in a flash of universal suffrage 1-3”
Can you hear the people sing? – Hong Kong version, lyrics rewritten in Cantonese
誰還未覺醒 https://youtu.be/RNbXLbHrMds

(重載)時間站在我們這邊—給林鄭月娥的一封公開信 _ 主場新聞 House News



2012-9-8 9:16:13


大約8 年前吧,我在一份受到藝術發展局資助的文化雜誌當顧問編輯,與同事一起策劃了許多關於文化政策的專題,例如博物館的「公司化」(也就是現在民政局即將開展的計劃),和西九龍文娛區的規劃(我們應該是全港第一個關注這個問題的媒體)。當時我們就聽說藝發局對這份雜誌很不滿意,但原因卻不大清楚。終於到了申請新年度資助的時候了,我才發現,最討厭我們的原來是一位文化界裏位高權重的老前輩,他也是當年殖民地政府最重用的一個藝術家。他在會議上批評我們老是在指點政府的文化政策,不夠藝術,可想而知,這份雜誌是辦不成了。會後,年少氣盛的我走過去對他說: 「X 先生,或許你以為文化政策不重要,或許你以為只有你幫政府搞的那些大型演出才叫藝術。不過這一切都不重要了,因為你很快就要退休了;而我,1970 年尾出生,現在才20 多歲。時間,站在我們那一邊。」我不提那位先生的名字,是因為如今還記得他的人確實不多了。

那天看你來皇后碼頭參加論壇,我不禁想起了這段往事,還有我當日說的那句氣話: 「時間站在我們那一邊」。

傳媒待你實在不薄,明明這裏只有一群平和理性,偶而唱歌跳舞的年輕人,他們卻形容你的到來是「深入虎穴」;明明當天最激動最愛說粗話罵人的是支持你的「維園阿伯」,他們卻同情你的「忍辱負重」。還記得嗎?那一天台上有4 位講者對你提出了質疑,有人說起皇后碼頭抗爭記憶的價值,有人細述皇后碼頭與愛丁堡廣場的建築佈局,還有人從技術角度入手解釋填海和保留皇后碼頭可以並行不悖的理由。結果呢?你沒有回答任何一條問題,你只是重申一遍你的立場:政府早已經過種種程序,花了很多時間,所以碼頭非拆不可。




可能你根本回應不了那些專業人士的質疑,你很清楚地知道就算填海,碼頭也不必然要拆。但現實很無奈,經過「西九」的推倒重來,政府再也經不起這種打擊了。在你們的眼中,我們就像一群恐怖分子,綁架了皇后碼頭做人質;如果這一回你們再讓步,誰能保證日後不會出現更多的恐怖分子? 「強政勵治」又該如何說起?所以就算我們說得再有道理,你也管不了那麼多。可是,政治家的勇氣,承擔與願景豈不正該表現在這種關鍵時刻?你和你的上司是應該大方承認過去10 年的諮詢有缺失,忽略了保育,然後勇於改正?還是堅持到底,把有問題的決策死硬地執行到最後一刻呢?

還有一種可能,是你根本聽不懂我們在說什麼。你不明白鄭敏華說的那套建築故事,不曉得英女王和 9位港督登岸的地方有什麼特別。我不怪你,因為還有許多你的同代人覺得這是英殖餘緒,是國恥,不只不能留而且早就得拆。如果他們住在大陸,他們一定也要想辦法拆走僅餘的日軍「慰安所」。你不明白朱凱迪所說的市民抗爭史,不曉得一塊數十年來香港人搞社會運動的地方有什麼好紀念。我也不怪你,因為也有許多人堅持集體記憶就是你有你的記憶我有我的記憶,他們不知道世上早有衡量和評估集體記憶價值的方法;他們要是住在倫敦,他們可能會建議把海德公園變成樓盤。



為什麼我們當年不反對呢?引當日論壇後一位大學生的話: 「那時我還在念小學。」接下來你可能知道這是批怎麼樣的年輕人,因為你從來沒遇過這種事:一幫小伙子不是為了提高自己的工資,不是為了保住自己的福利,甚至不是為了存留自己住的地方,他們露宿絕食,為的竟然是個表面上和他們沒有任何切身利益的公眾場所。且讓我為你介紹一下吧。



最後,絕食中的陳景輝,我認識他的時候,他還在念預科。他不是主流社會定義下的好學生,因為他的成績不怎麼樣,但我第一次碰見他的時候,他正在看Richard Rorty的名著《Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature》,一本大部分你那一代精英未必看得懂的經典。


你可了解自己身處的情況?有沒有看過回歸 10周年時各種雜誌辦的專輯,你去數數看裏面有多少張天星鐘樓的照片,又有多少張上了封面?有空的話去一趟香港動漫展吧,你會發現一個挺受歡迎的天星鐘樓玩偶。你知道這一切意味著什麼嗎?自從天星倒下,我們就已經開始勝利。

當我們坐在皇后碼頭等待警察,而你正聽著電台節目讀著報紙評論的時候,你可能會感到慶幸,因為居然有那麼多友善的聲音包圍着你。可是請上網看看,試著鍵入「朱凱迪」這 3個字,你將發現他得到的掌聲竟要比你還多。

沒錯,今天報刊和電台的受眾或許遠遠多於網上的論壇與博客,但是 5年後 10年後呢?

10 年後你該退休了,歷史會記住你是第一個「走入群眾」的高官,還是最後一個對保育置若罔聞的高官呢(假如歷史會記住你的話)?請不要忘記,每一代人的歷史都是由下一代人書寫的;而那些對你不錯的作者都太忙了,他們不只沒空寫歷史甚至也沒空讀歷史。只要讀史,就都知道誰是蘇守忠,可是有誰知道當年主管交通運輸的官員是誰呢?殘酷,但這是事實。

所以,儘管來帶走我們,儘管來拆皇后碼頭吧,我們將帶著微笑平和地等待。因為人固然可以推倒歷史的遺物,但人終究會被歷史埋葬。在你推倒皇后碼頭的那一刻,就是我們說再見的時候了。所以,再見了,林局長。再見了,你和你所代表的官僚態度。再見了,殖民地時代的行政手法與諮詢遊戲。再見了,30 多人也及不上一位局長的古物古蹟委員會。再見了,那老舊世代的世界觀與價值觀。時間,始終是站在我們這一邊的。

珍重 梁文道

2007 年8 月1 日凌晨於皇后碼頭

原文刊於明報 2007-08-02