星期四, 6月 30, 2005


他約我去迪士尼 很好聽,有第一Take版及甜蜜版,但我唔覺兩個版本有分別。




「然而誰亦早知不會合襯...活大半生還是很失敗」(剪片:七一遊行) 「偏偏你願意等。為何還喜歡我,我這種無賴,是話你蠢還是很偉大...」(剪片:大舊江、葉劉、霍英東、鄔醫生)

「在座每位都將我踩 口碑有多壞...」(剪片:一眾變臉富豪及擦鞋仔,如老賭何等等)


本來打算把一棋局post出來,有中英文注釋,只要一click button就可以轉換語言。但發覺在Blog內加入Javascript不是簡單,又不想這麼快就轉用Geocities,只有慢慢來。

油價在創新高後,旋即出現獲利回吐,這本是常態。亢龍有悔,其能久乎?昨晚美股因油價回落而反彈,是日亞太股市大致向好,港股仍在14300,但係你叫我講有乜好消息,又真係無乜,最多只係no news is good news,一切原有的繼續,美國復甦繼續,加息繼續,中東搞唔掂繼續,曾特首繼續,我亂嗡繼續......




17/5/2005 15:07

Hong Kong share market falls cats and dogs today. It seems it is ok for bottom fishing the blue chips. Although there is no good news, there is no bad news either. The speculation about RMB rise is empty in itself. So I don't know why it can be bad news if we realize that the rise will not happen. The key point is, if the speculation were not there from the very beginning, and only judging from fundamentals, how much is the share market worth?

A pretty good guess would be between 13300 - 13700 for the HSI, I think. Obviously the growth should not be as strong as last year, but if China economy and U.S. economy remain steady as they are now, it should not be too bad. So again, accumulate as it goes down, I suggest.

The same applies to foreign currencies, especially the Australian dollar. As it earns you a favorable interest rate, you can afford to gather it at the current level. For Euro, you need more patience. Basically they get down as U.S. currency rebounds. However, sooner or later, uncertainties would cloud up about the pace of economic recovery ( the same topic again!), and the high interest rate currencies would serves as a protective bay for the conservative moneys to park in for avoiding financial storms.

And good luck, fellow!

星期二, 6月 14, 2005

Noan Chomsky and Ground Zero

The title Day Zero of the first passage is influenced by Noan Chomsky. I think this is a great thinker, a real conscience, a sage who reveals the lamentations of our time. I've heard about the book 9-11, and that the author is an influential person. It was a week ago that I came across a book The Chomsky Reader, that I decided to delve into his writings.

I haven't really started yet, however, I've browsed a book in library which records some of his interviews. He mentioned that after 9-11, the premise of the World Trade Centre was coined the name "Ground Zero". Yet, the same name had been coined by the Japanese to refer to the disastrous attack of the two Japanese cities by atomic bombs in World War II. The Americans did not feel any discomfort or embarrassment in adopting the same symbol, which now serves as a remembrance of a U.S. trauma as well as a U.S. inflicted trauma. If the Americans had the slightest awareness or memory of the atomic bomb thing, they would not commit such a ridicule.

The whole thing reveals, to some extent, that how we treasure our own well-being, but have little regard for the well-being of others. This reveals how hypocrite we can be. Worse still, it is subconcious - and we still consider ourselves "decent people". Worse still, this applies to all, not just Americans, and include you and me as well.

So you see, ground zero is really something.

星期六, 6月 11, 2005

Day Zero
