星期三, 10月 29, 2014

法治觀念 (Rule of Law)


- 梁國雄、馮家強、盧偉明 對 香港特別行政區 (終院刑事上訴編號:2005年第1號及第2號,終審法院判決,2005年7月8日

「在一個法治社會中,法庭必須銳意地保護各項基本權利,而且必須嚴格地審查任何可能對該等基本權利施加的限制。」(第16段) (首席法官李國能作出之主要判詞)

見 http://www.judiciary.gov.hk/tc/legal_ref/judgments.htm

The rule of law will emphasize on how to prevent abuse of power

- Leung Kwok Hung & others v HKSAR (FACC 1 & 2/2005, Court of Final Appeal judgment dated 8 July 2005)

“In a society governed by the rule of law, the courts must be vigilant in the protection of fundamental rights and must rigorously examine any restriction that may be placed on them.” (paragraph 16) (majority judgment by Chief Justice Li)

see http://www.judiciary.gov.hk/tc/legal_ref/judgments.htm

Chief Justice Li, Mr Justice Chan PJ, Mr Justice Ribeiro PJ and Sir Anthony Mason NPJ:

1.  The freedom of peaceful assembly is a fundamental right.  It is closely associated with the fundamental right of the freedom of speech.  The freedom of speech and the freedom of peaceful assembly are precious and lie at the foundation of a democratic society.

2.  These freedoms are of cardinal importance for the stability and progress of society for a number of inter-related reasons.  The resolution of conflicts, tensions and problems through open dialogue and debate is of the essence of a democratic society.  These freedoms enable such dialogue and debate to take place and ensure their vigour.  A democratic society is one where the market place of ideas must thrive.  These freedoms enable citizens to voice criticisms, air grievances and seek redress.  This is relevant not only to institutions exercising powers of government but also to organizations outside the public sector which in modern times have tremendous influence over the lives of citizens.  Minority views may be disagreeable, unpopular, distasteful or even offensive to others.  But tolerance is a hallmark of a pluralistic society.  Through the exercise of these freedoms minority views can be properly ventilated.

3.  A peaceful assembly may consist of a procession, as it did in the present case.  A procession is an effective means of communication because it involves an expression of the views of the participants as they move from one place to another.  A procession has been aptly called an assembly in motion.  The message the participants are seeking to communicate may have a wide exposure.  A procession is a potent method of expression and is a common phenomenon in democratic societies including Hong Kong.

4.  This appeal concerns a challenge to the constitutionality of the statutory scheme for the regulation of public processions contained in the Public Order Ordinance, Cap. 245 (“the Ordinance”).  The focus of the challenge is on the contention that the statutory discretion conferred on the Commissioner of Police (“the Commissioner”) to restrict the right of peaceful assembly for the purpose of “public order (ordre public)” is too wide and uncertain to satisfy the requirements of constitutionality.



1.  和平集會自由是一項基本權利,與言論自由這另一項基本權利緊密相連。言論自由及和平集會自由都是寶貴的權利,亦是民主社會的基石。

2.  基於一些互相關聯的理由,這些自由對社會的穩定和進步至為重要。就民主社會而言,最重要的是能透過公開對話和辯論來化解衝突、打破僵局和解決難題。這些自由使上述對話和辯論得以進行以至積極地進行。一個民主社會必須是一個百家爭鳴的場所,而這些自由使市民能夠提出批評、表達不滿和尋求糾正。這不僅對行使政府權力的機構重要,對現時不屬公營部門但可對市民的生活造成巨大影響的機構同樣重要。少數派的意見可能令人不悅、不受歡迎、令人反感或甚至冒犯他人,但寬容是一個多元社會的標誌。透過行使這些自由,市民可正當地公開討論少數派的意見。

3.  和平集會可以包括遊行,而這正是本案所涉及的活動。遊行是一種有效的傳達訊息的方法,因為參與者會透過由一處地方遊行到另一處地方來表達意見。遊行曾被貼切地稱為移動中的集會,而遊行人士所試圖傳達的訊息可能得以廣泛傳揚。遊行是一種有力的表達方法,在包括香港在內的民主社會中是常見的活動。

4.  本上訴涉及對一項載於《公安條例》(香港法例第245章)(“該條例”)並用以規管公眾遊行的法定計劃是否合憲而提出的質疑。這項質疑的重點是指:警務處處長(“處長”)所獲賦予的為維持“公共秩序”[“public order (ordre public)”]而限制和平集會權利的法定酌情權過於廣泛和不確定,以致未能符合憲法的規定。
