星期二, 10月 28, 2014

少年Pi眼中的宇宙(下) _ 讀者投稿 _ 主場新聞



2013-3-1 10:14:02

文:Selina Cheng,堅信理想的可能性,但對現實持極懷疑態度。

- 原題為〈Pi眼中的宇宙 – 《Life of Pi》分析〉,現題為編輯所擬。



Pi 在電影中提及的神大概有三個:印度教的Krishna、Vishnu和Brahman、基督教的上帝和回教的阿拉。

Instead of leaping from one religion to the next, why not start with reason?
這句台詞其實是電影版加插,嚴重扭曲了原著的意思:Pi 不是短時間內相信不同宗教,他是同一時間相信三個宗教。

除了 Mr. Kumar 的一段插曲,還有第二段被刪的插曲對故事的意義有重大影響,刪減後 Life of Pi 在一個形上學(metaphysics)問題的回應因此被略過了。 這兩點變更似乎反映了李安對於作者原意的不理解,實是可惜。

這段精妙幽默的插曲位於書中第23章,我著實未曾以為電影中居然會刪減這樣重要的一幕,卻反而加插了一條不太有趣的「感情線」。這一幕中,Pi 已經有好一段時間有規律地上教堂、上清真寺和印度廟宇。一個星期天,Pi 和父母在城裡散步,卻巧合地同時遇上了教導 Pi的神父、回教阿訇和印度教祭師前來「見家長」。

事緣三位神職人員均發現一直虔誠的孩子 Pi 原來同時相信其他宗教,因而要向他父母投訴。發現 Pi 不止為「異教徒」,還要是三個宗教的信徒,他們當然暴跳如雷,並同時互相指責對方宗教的荒謬和不可信。然而,好比毛澤東和蔣介石都同意中國只有一個,三個神職人員都不得不否認他們有同意的地方:
It was hard to tell whose face was more inflamed. It looked as if they might come to blows. Father raised his hands. “Gentlemen, gentlemen, please!” he interjected. “I would like to remind you there is freedom of practice in this country.” Three apoplectic faces turned to him. “Yes! Practice – singular!” The wise men screamed in unison. Three index fingers, like punctuation marks, jumped to attention in the air to emphasize their point. They were not pleased at the unintended choral effect or the spontaneous unity of their gestures.
沒錯:基督教、回教都是一神教,印度教雖被說是多神教,其實亦只有一個神靈,或稱「世界靈魂」(Brahman)的多個化身。一個認為世上只有一個真神的基督徒又怎能相信其他宗教的神?一個祭師又怎會接受自己的教徒亦是別教的教徒?除非 — 除非他認為不同宗教的神都是同一個神的不同形象。電影中 Pi 說:
God works in mysterious ways, and so he introduced himself again, this time by the name of Allah.
這句說明了 Pi 認為神只有一個(God, 不是Gods),只是稱號不同,在不同宗教反映的只是對待信仰和靈性不同的部份和不同的方式。故事發生在作為多宗教國家的印度亦造就了它不可或缺的故事背景:印度多個世紀以來有眾多佛教、回教及印度教教徒,不同教徒卻可在同一片土地上和諧共處,未曾有宗教戰爭的出現。書中說得較清楚:
What it comes down to .. is whether Piscine wants real religion.
Pi 自己更解釋:
Bapu Gandhi said, ‘All religions are true.’ I just want to love God. … You can’t reprimand a boy for wanting to love God. The three wise men pulled away with stiff, grudging smiles on their faces.
Pi 不只認為世上只有一個神,他還認為所有宗教的所有神都是同一個神,這是比一神論(Monotheism)更「激」的一元論(Monism):形上學的一元認為世上所有東西的最根本都是同一種東西,只以不同方式組成不同形象,像是物理學裡認為所有物質都以原子構成。

相反,二元論則為「在任何既有的領域之內,都有兩個獨立而不可相互還原的實體(Substance)。換言之,宇宙最根本的實在是二而非一。」(6)  現代社會傾向認同拍拉圖的二元論(Dualism),即是認為世間萬物均能分為心物二元,精神與物質兩端。當然 Life of Pi 內的一元不是指世界只有「心」或只有「物」,否則作者便不會認同科學和宗教兩者各自的地位。他未有提到一個清晰的一元學說,卻顯示出一種一元思想:神、自然和人(「我」)都是一體之內。而且,印度教和印度哲學(甚至東方哲學)的特性為一元論,有別於以二元論為主的西方哲學。

Life of Pi 裡表現的一元思想其實很易理解:就是莊子說「天地與我並生,萬物與我唯一」的思想。如前所述,作者表達了神、自然和人都是在一體之內的宇宙觀。

這思想是印度婆羅門哲學的中心:「婆羅門哲學所關心的主旨是萬象(現象界之萬象)和統一體(婆羅門,又稱梵天)之間的關係。」(7) 婆羅門(或稱梵天)是Brahman,Life of Pi 多次提到它:
Brahman saguna is Brahman made manifest to our limited senses, Brahman expressed not only in gods but in humans, animals, trees, in a handful of earth, for everything has a trace of the divine in it. The truth of life is that Brahman is no different from atman, the spiritual force within us, what you might call the soul. The individual soul touches upon the world soul like a well reaches for the water table.
 That which sustains the universe beyond thought and language, and that which is at the core of us and struggles for expression, is the same thing. The finite within the infinite, the infinite within the finite. If you ask me how Brahman and atman relate precisely, I would say in the same way the father, the son and the Holy Spirit relate: mysteriously.

印度教中的梵天(Brahman)被認為是處於最高的靈性,稱「世界靈魂」(world soul), 無形、無屬性,但萬物均由祂而來,是萬物共享的靈性(「可以通過人、動物、樹木、一抔泥土表現他出來,一切都有神的蹤跡」)。

祂可人格化(personified)地展現:人格化的梵天叫 Brahma 或Brahman saguna,是「有屬性的梵天」的意思;亦可是非人格化的,叫 Brahman。 梵天本無屬性,不能被定義,卻在萬物中反映出來。人在萬物中能看見神的影子,而萬物也參與在同一個最高靈性之中。這種「萬物與我唯一」的關係能比喻為「水中的一點水滴」。

Pi 以他對大自然的愛來表達這種唯一論:透過梵天創造之物,他看見神的形象;而在自己身上,他則通過靈修(如祈禱等)感受到神在他之內,他與神為一體。電影中,老虎和 Pi 亦常以凝視表達這種人、神和自然間的感通。

前述兩個 Mr. Kumar 與斑馬的一幕也清楚表現了這種唯一的感覺:宗教取態相反的二人與斑馬的接觸使三者連為一個靈性單位。或者我們可以想像在海灘上聽著浪濤的聲音和看著滿天星斗時的感覺:一方面感嘆著自然的偉大,想像著世界是否有一個神創造,另一方面認為自己多麼渺小,卻又是與更高宇宙緊緊融合的一個參與者。 除代表創造者的 Brahma 之外,印度教的另外兩個最主要的神是Vishnu 和 Shiva。

Vishnu 代表保護者,Pi 在捉到魚的時候都會感謝這個神保護他。Krishna則是Vishnu十個化身的其中之一。書中和電影中都提到年幼的 Krishna 被母親斥責吃了泥土,他母親叫他張口看 — 他的口中當然有泥土,因她在他口中還看到整個宇宙。Krishna 跟梵天的性質一樣:整個世界均在神之內 。萬物歸一為靈,萬物均存在於一個靈性之內就是 Pi 的一元論。

- 人作為世界的一部份,存於在天空與星辰之中

- 電影中多次出現以海洋模仿浩瀚宇宙的場面

那麼,有著整個宇宙的神是誰?佛洛姆的《愛的藝術》能用以說明為何對 Pi 來說,所有神都是同一。



同時,「上帝是絕對的無 — 這正如在猶太神秘哲學中,終極的真相為『Ein Sof』 — 無境的一。… 世界能夠被吾人終極掌握的,不在於思想,而在於行為,在於合一的體驗。… 愛上帝並非在思想中對上帝的了解,也非心中存有愛上帝的意念,而是同上帝合而為一的行為體驗。」

Ein Sof 也就正正呼應了開首提過 Tsimtsum 無限的光的神學一元概念。有關合一的體驗,Pi 跟回教的 Mr. Kumar 禱告完後,在回家的路上有以下感想 (第20章):
One such time I left town and on my way back, at a point where the land was high and I could see the sea to my left and down the road a long ways, I suddenly felt I was in heaven. The spot was in fact no different from when I had passed it not long before, but my way of seeing it had changed. The feeling, a paradoxical mix of pulsing energy and profound peace, was intense and blissful.
Whereas before the road, the sea, the trees, the air, the sun all spoke differently to me, now they spoke one language of unity. Tree took account of road, which was aware of air, which was mindful of sea, which shared things with sun. Every element lived in harmonious relation with its neighbor, and all was kith and kin. I knelt a mortal, I rose an immortal. I felt like the centre of a small circle coinciding with the centre of a much larger one. Atman met Allah.
Pi 是用以計算圓周的數字,Pi 亦同時是感到自己是小圓的中心,並與大圓接軌、合一。通過自身心靈的無限(π),人能接觸宇宙的無限。

同時,印度教原稱為「Sanatana Dharma」(通用的 Hinduism是西方殖民者後加的名稱),和猶太教的 Ein sof 及Tsimtsum有同樣的意思:
Sanatana denotes that which always is, that which has neither beginning nor end, that which is eternal in its very essence. Dharma is designed to communicate the view that there is an underlying structure of natural law that is inherent in the very intrinsic constitution of Being itself - an essential nature. Thus, Sanatana Dharma refers to the eternal, natural way, the never beginning and never ending flow of the whole of being. (9)
印度祭師 Swami Rama 說:
The words "religion" and "dharma" denote two entirely different concepts and perspectives. Religion is comprised of rituals, customs, and dogmas surviving on the basis of fear and blind faith. Dharma--a word, unfortunately, with no English equivalent--encapsulates those great laws and disciplines that uphold, sustain, and ultimately lead humanity to the sublime heights of worldly and spiritual glory. Established in the name of God, a religion is an institution that requires a growing number of adherents for its expansion and future existence.
 A religion discriminates against human beings who do not belong to its particular order and condemns their way of living and being, whereas dharma is eternal, looking for no followers for its propagation.
With no discrimination whatsoever, it leads a human being beyond the realms of man-made, institutionalized dictums. Instead of creating fear of God, it makes God manifest in the human heart, not in an anthropomorphic form, but as the absolute and universal One in whom all diversities reside in perfect harmony.(10)
在 Life of Pi 中,並未提過那「耶穌+阿拉+梵天」的神到底是誰。神是無形卻又是全形,祂是所有,因此三神都能還原歸一,卻又是「無」,不能被正確定義,不能以理性掌握,不能被思量。就以上的解釋,神超越了上帝、阿拉和梵天,更超越宗教,因後者只是人為的機構。

既然與神的感通超越宗教的範圍之內,Pi 如何看待宗教?他在第25章如是說:
And that wasn't the end of it. There are always those who take it upon themselves to defend God, as if Ultimate Reality, as if the sustaining frame of existence, were something weak and helpless. These people walk by a widow deformed by leprosy begging for a few paise, walk by children dressed in rags living in the street, and they think, "Business as usual." But if they perceive a slight against God, it is a different story. Their faces go red, their chests heave mightily, they sputter angry words. The degree of their indignation is astonishing. Their resolve is frightening.
These people fail to realize that it is on the inside that God must be defended, not on the outside. They should direct their anger at themselves. For evil in the open is but evil from within that has been let out. The main battlefield for good is not the open ground of the public arena but the small clearing of each heart. Meanwhile, the lot of widows and homeless children is very hard, and it is to their defense, not God's, that the self-righteous should rush.
Once an oaf chased me away from the Great Mosque. When I went to church the priest glared at me so that I could not feel the peace of Christ. A Brahmin sometimes shooed me away from darshan. My religious doings were reported to my parents in the hushed, urgent tones of treason revealed. 
As if this small-mindedness did God any good. 
To me, religion is about our dignity, not our depravity. 
I stopped attending Mass at Our Lady of Immaculate Conception and went instead to Our Lady of Angels. I no longer lingered after Friday prayer among my brethren. I went to temple at crowded times when the Brahmins were too distracted to come between God and me. 

人是誰?:Castaway - The human condition


「人誕生之際 — 就全人類而言,就個人而言皆是如此 — 就從一個確定的處境中被拋出… 他察覺到自己是一個與他人分離的個體,察覺到自己的生命的短暫;他未得自己的同意而生,又要違反自己的意願而死;他將死於他所愛的人之先,或他所愛的將死於他之先;他察覺到他的孤獨與隔離,他在大自然及社會種種力量面前無助 — 所有這一切都使他覺得他那隔離的及被劃開的生存狀態是一個不可忍受的監牢。」 (11)

單單是作為人,他的生存就跟在海上飄流的 Pi 的處境一樣。在誕生之時,人已竭力以各種方式脫離這種隔離、脫離這個令他徬徨不安、時時威脅他的生存的海洋:他渴望與他人和環境溝通、渴望愛與被愛。我們每個人都是 Pi。人的生存狀態,與 Pi 作為飄流者的經歷一致 (第78章):
To be a castaway is to be a point perpetually at the centre of a circle. However much things may appear to change – the sea may shift from whisper to rage, the sky might go from fresh blue to blinding white to darkest black – the geometry never changes. Your gaze is always a radius. The circumference is ever great. In fact, the circles multiply. To be a castaway is to be caught in a harrowing ballet of circles. 
You are at the centre of one circle, while above you two opposing circles spin about. The sun distresses you like a crowd, a noisy, invasive crowd that makes you cup your ears, that makes you close your eyes, that makes you want to hide. 
The moon distresses you by silently reminding you of your solitude; you open your eyes wide to escape your loneliness. When you look up, you sometimes wonder if at the centre of a solar storm, if in the middle of the Sea of Tranquillity, there isn’t another one like you also looking up, also trapped by geometry, also struggling with fear, rage, madness, hopelessness, apathy.

Pi 在救生筏上以生命作工具,竭力希望能回到人類文明的奮鬥,亦即是人在生存狀態之內,努力擺脫隔離,並設法與他者和深不可測的宇宙接觸的追尋

在食人島上,他的生理能得到滿足:食水和食物源源不絕,沒有猛獸的威脅,固然是安居的好地方。但若只滿足於空虛的安穩,到最後就只會落為侵蝕至只剩一具頹敗的驅殼 。就像是先前留過在島上的人,安逸的生活侵蝕得他只剩下牙齒。如果 Pi 選擇留在島上,他便會丟棄先前令他決意生存的信仰,靈魂會在放棄追尋的當下死去。他說:"I had to get back to the world or die trying."


Pi 在他的旅程中從未知道他的航向。日本人亦始終未能查出船為何沉沒。人在他的生命中不知道他為何原因而來,亦不知道該往哪個方向走。但原因和方向的缺乏不阻我們在這路上走下去,因為,至少對有信仰的人來說,一直走下去至少能贏得自己的靈魂,並儘量向宇宙的靈性靠近。

雖然不知道我們的故事的起因,亦不知道結局,但至少依著想像力,我們可以自由選擇"The better story",並不住相信:我們能夠努力向著正確的方向返回陸地。

7) 佛洛姆,《愛的藝術》,志文出版社,1999,96頁
8) 梁文道評Life of Pi文章中取出的譯段
10) idem.(or more precisely http://www.swamij.com/sanatana-dharma-what-is.htm)
