星期五, 8月 05, 2022


網友提供美方的 official statement:

"The United States acknowledges that all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China. The United States Government does not challenge that position. It reaffirms its interest in a peaceful settlement of the Taiwan question by the Chinese themselves." (*)

通常會引起爭議的,是 acknowledges  究竟是「知悉」還是「肯定」。


"there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China" 是老共希望美國同意的。問題是中間多了幾隻字,因而就算死磕着 acknowledges 就是「肯定」,其實也不濟事。

"…all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain…", 這是說美國人搞清楚原來兩岸人民是這樣想的。值得留意的是這突顯了台灣海峽,而海峽兩岸人民並舉,是隱含著兩岸同樣對這問題有決定權。




但中共都不理,就把這當成宣告式 declarative, 「奉天承運」有何根據呢?我說是就是啦,還須有何根據?反正天是啞的嘛。

所以這 "all Chinese maintain" 就是盧梭社會契約論:




問題是一個沒投票權的公民群體如何形成「公共意志」?一是統治者指明方向 - 這無異循環論證!


「台灣自古以來是中國不可分割的一部分」根本就被當成永恆真理嘛。"all Chinese people maintain" 只是點綴而已。就是全國人大會議舉手時反對票當然是「沒有」啦,香港唯一特首候選人當選一定拍手表示實至名歸,聽見國歌當然念念有詞跟住唱。

豈料,洋人卻是用歸納法,去認真檢視 "all Chinese people maintain" 這回事。


那麼有趣的問題來了,假若時移世易, "all Chinese maintain" 不再成立,雖則未至於 "all Chinese do not maintain", 但起碼 "not all Chinese maintain", 那如何是好?



"does not challenge" 表示沒異議,但同時也表明置身事外,美國對此問題無意見。

"reaffirms its interest in..." 可有趣了,並不是符合自身利益的 in its best interest, 又不是為了啥個目標而做的 in the interest of (sth). Its interest in 就單純是,對此表示興趣,樂觀其成,甚至比 It prefers…, 它「情願如此」態度更弱。



Points 11 and 12 of Shanghai Communique:

11. The two sides reviewed the long-standing serious disputes between China and the United States. The Chinese side reaffirmed its position: the Taiwan question is the crucial question obstructing the normalization of relations between China and the United States; the Government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legal government of China; Taiwan is a province of China which has long been returned to the motherland; the liberation of Taiwan is China's internal affair in which no other country has the right to interfere; and all U.S. forces and military installations must be withdrawn from Taiwan. The Chinese Government firmly opposes any activities which aim at the creation of "one China, one Taiwan", "one China, two governments", "two Chinas", an "independent Taiwan" or advocate that "the status of Taiwan remains to be determined".

12. The U.S. side declared: The United States acknowledges that all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China. The United States Government does not challenge that position. It reaffirms its interest in a peaceful settlement of the Taiwan question by the Chinese themselves. With this prospect in mind, it affirms the ultimate objective of the withdrawal of all U.S. forces and military installations from Taiwan. In the meantime, it will progressively reduce its forces and military installations on Taiwan as the tension in the area diminishes. The two sides agreed that it is desirable to broaden the understanding between the two peoples. To this end, they discussed specific areas in such fields as science, technology, culture, sports and journalism, in which people-to-people contacts and exchanges would be mutually beneficial. Each side undertakes to facilitate the further development of such contacts and exchanges.


