星期二, 9月 19, 2017


如果稍加查證,就會發覺這些 landmark cases 恰恰就是一路走來確立言論自由。






//A South Carolina high school teacher removed from the classroom when he stomped on an American flag while discussing freedom is being paid $85,000 to avoid a legal challenge.//

//越南戰爭期間,美國聯邦最高法院對於人民批評政府言論的立場有了巨大的變化。但是最高法院在此期間還是支持了一些諸如禁止偽造、自殘或撕毀徵兵卡方式來逃脫兵役的法律,例如在1968年的「美國訴奧布萊登案(英語:United States v. O'Brien)」中,[65] 最高法院就擔心焚燒徵兵卡會對徵兵工作的「順利和有效運作」造成危害。[66][67] 但就在次年,聯邦最高法院通過對「布蘭登堡訴俄亥俄州案(英語:Brandenburg v. Ohio)」[68] 的判決徹底推翻了惠特尼訴加利福尼亞州案」中的裁決。[69] 現在,最高法院就鼓吹公開暴力和革命言論的話語權給予了廣義上的說明:


通過「美國訴奧布萊登案」,最高法院拋棄了由「申克訴美國案」得出的「明顯且即時危險」的標準,並同時進一步削弱了「丹尼斯訴美國案」判例的影響力。[71][72] 在1971年的「科恩訴加利福尼亞州案」中,[73] 聯邦最高法院以「五比四」的結果推翻了原審。在原審中,科恩因在洛杉磯郡法院走廊上穿著有「去你媽的徵兵(Fuck the Draft)」字樣的夾克衫而被定罪。大法官約翰·馬歇爾·哈倫閣下在多數意見中寫道,儘管科恩的外套上的言論使用了髒字,但依然屬於「第一修正案」所保護的政治言論範疇。他寫道「汝之砒霜,彼之蜜糖(one man's vulgarity is another man's lyric)」//

//在機場等地尤其敏感。在洛杉磯國際機場電檢入口處掛有「請勿開玩笑」的牌示,如果有人在此說「Hi Jack!」(傑克你好嗎?)航警一旦聽見,必將其逮捕法辦,因為這句話正是英文劫機(Hijack)一詞的諧音。對此,美國聯邦最高法院解釋說:「最大的言論自由也不保障任何人在戲院中有誑呼失火造成驚慌奔逃的自由。」以劫機作為取笑的言論也不受保障,這說明公共安全重於個人的言論自由。//

這是極端無謂的講法,例如講 hi, jack 被誤會為劫機,那當然不是正常思想的人會認為是缺乏言論自由。
試過有韓國人在便利店有爭執,說了句 I'll sue you. 但被當成 I'll shoot u, 店員嚇得報警,這些可以理解。


//4) 以刑事罪名限制言论自由。网络流传的美国十八种言论禁忌中有一个例子讲得是1951年 美国一大学生有一天站在街头发表演说攻击杜鲁门总统和一些官员,引起部分听众咆哮喊打。结果该大学生被逮捕,最后以破坏公共安宁秩序罪判刑。这个案例说明 了西方国家以刑事罪名进行政治迫害的一贯伎俩,暴露了它们司法公正的虚伪。如果攻击杜鲁门总统和其它官员属于自由言论,而且美国真地保护言论自由,那么听 众咆哮喊打是破坏言论自由。如果听众咆哮喊打是对的就证明美国人没有攻击美国总统的言论自由。这时,该学生应该因违反某条言论禁令而获罪,而不是“破坏公共安宁秩序罪”。破坏公共安宁秩序罪的是别人。该学生连煽动破坏公共安宁秩序都说不上。总之,这个案例不能自圆其说。但这样一来,一个地地道道的政治案就成了刑事案。按照这个案例,小布什在伊拉克演说时遭到愤怒的伊拉克记者扔鞋,应判罪的不是记者而是小布什。在今年(2011年)9月的“佔据华尔街” 的抗议活动中,有人在祖科蒂公园用扩音器喊话而被纽约警察逮捕,理由是未经许可使用扩音器。而一女子在祖科蒂公园附近的行人路上用粉笔写口号时因涂鸦罪被捕。//

這個被控以妨礙公眾安寧的 Irving Feiner 被判囚30日。
//Irving Feiner, who played a significant role in the Constitutional debate over free speech when the Supreme Court upheld his conviction on charges of disorderly conduct for dangerously provoking a crowd as he spoke from a soapbox in Syracuse in 1949, died on Jan. 23 in Valhalla, N.Y. He was 84.
...(He always denied widespread reports that he called President Harry S. Truman a bum, saying that if he had meant to insult the president, he would have used an earthier phrase.)
The police estimated that 75 to 80 whites and blacks — 25 or 30, according to Mr. Feiner’s side — had gathered and were blocking the sidewalk and becoming restive. People heckled Mr. Feiner, and at least one man threatened him.
Saying he feared a riot, a police officer at least twice asked Mr. Feiner to get down from the box.
Feiner refused and was arrested on the misdemeanor charge of disorderly conduct, found guilty by a judge and sentenced to 30 days in jail.//

Feiner 覺得逮捕他是不當的,事後他控告紐約州政府。其實就是 Feiner vs New York case.
 //On the evening of March 8, 1949, Irving Feiner was arrested after making an inflammatory speech to a mixed crowd of 75 or 80 black people and white people at the corner of South McBride and Harrison Streets in Syracuse, New York. Feiner, a college student,[1] had been standing on a large wooden box on the sidewalk, addressing a crowd through a loud-speaker system attached to an automobile. He made derogatory remarks about President Harry S. Truman, the American Legion, the Mayor of Syracuse, and other local political officials. Chief Justice Vinson said that Feiner "gave the impression that he was endeavoring to arouse the Negro people against the whites, urging that they rise up in arms and fight for equal rights."
Focusing on the "rise up in arms and fight for their rights" part of Feiner's speech, the Court found that Feiner's First Amendment rights were not violated because his arrest came when the police thought that a riot might occur; the police attempted to suppress Feiner's message not based on its content but on the reaction of the crowd. The Court reaffirmed that a speaker cannot be arrested for the content of his speech and that the police must not be used as an instrument to silence unpopular views but must be used to silence a speaker who is trying to incite a riot.//

//Hugo Black wrote a foresighted dissent, saying that the evidence did not show that the crowd was about to riot. He also pointed out that the police, instead of arresting Feiner, should have protected him from hostile members of the crowd. The police "did not even pretend to try to protect" Feiner. Police testimony showed that although the crowd was restless, "there [was] no showing of any attempt to quiet it... one person threatened to assault [Feiner] but the officers did nothing to discourage this when even a word might have sufficed." Furthermore, Justice Black noted that it is common for the crowd to be heated with sensitive, polarizing topics and that the police gave no verbal reason to Feiner about his arrest at that exact moment. By ruling against Feiner, it creates precedent for allowing tyranny from the majority, the police can come and shut down any unpopular speaker simply because the popular crowd does not want the speaker to be there.[3]

Justice Douglas, joined by Justice Minton, stated disbelief that the situation constituted a disturbance of the peace and questioned the fairness of the trial Feiner received.//

//If convicted, Trauger faces as many as 10 years in prison and a $500,000 fine, assistant U.S. Attorney William Snyder said.//
//Senior U.S. District Judge William Standish rejected Trauger's request for leniency but let him avoid prison, sentencing him to six months of home detention on electronic monitoring. He also ordered him to undergo anger management counseling and stop sending personal e-mails.//

//Fellows admitted using the girl’s name to log on to a computer at Oswego High School.
Fellows could have faced five years in prison if he pled to federal charges, but his guilty plea to an aggravated harassment charge in Oswego City Court carries a maximum of a year behind bars, along with probation and orders to stay away from the president.//

//A homeless Florida man has been sentenced to 57 months in federal prison for making threats against President George Bush.

Timothy Wade Pinkston has a previous history of threatening President Bill Clinton and the governor of Georgia, the St. Petersburg Times reported Wednesday.//



1) 說明《第一修正案》
The First Amendment doesn't guarantee you the rights you think it does,
by AJ Willingham, CNN

2) 妨礙公眾安寧, 即是一種行為不檢的刑事罪行
Disturbing the Peace, as a misdemeanor criminal offence
