星期二, 6月 14, 2005

Noan Chomsky and Ground Zero

The title Day Zero of the first passage is influenced by Noan Chomsky. I think this is a great thinker, a real conscience, a sage who reveals the lamentations of our time. I've heard about the book 9-11, and that the author is an influential person. It was a week ago that I came across a book The Chomsky Reader, that I decided to delve into his writings.

I haven't really started yet, however, I've browsed a book in library which records some of his interviews. He mentioned that after 9-11, the premise of the World Trade Centre was coined the name "Ground Zero". Yet, the same name had been coined by the Japanese to refer to the disastrous attack of the two Japanese cities by atomic bombs in World War II. The Americans did not feel any discomfort or embarrassment in adopting the same symbol, which now serves as a remembrance of a U.S. trauma as well as a U.S. inflicted trauma. If the Americans had the slightest awareness or memory of the atomic bomb thing, they would not commit such a ridicule.

The whole thing reveals, to some extent, that how we treasure our own well-being, but have little regard for the well-being of others. This reveals how hypocrite we can be. Worse still, it is subconcious - and we still consider ourselves "decent people". Worse still, this applies to all, not just Americans, and include you and me as well.

So you see, ground zero is really something.
